Monthly Mixtape #14: Ocean

Hi again, and welcome to Monthly Mixtape, a music feature created by me, Eve @ Twist in the Taile, and Evi @ Adventuring Through Pages. Here’s how it works: each month, we give you a one-word prompt, and you make a playlist. We welcome you to interpret the prompt however you want and with whatever music you’re into.

Please link back to the original Monthly Mixtape prompt whenever you make a playlist. We welcome you to use the title image for your blog post if you wish. You can create a playlist in response to any of the previous prompts as well if you like. The next Monthly Mixtape will hopefully be up in the first week of June! And this month’s prompt is…

#14: ocean

Add or view playlist links HERE

I did not get around to making this playlists before my exam season started, despite my best efforts, so it’s up to you all this time. I may well make one as the month goes on. However, at the moment I am mainly just studying and watching TV with my cats… I definitely need to make a playlist with the new Carly Rae Jepsen album though, oh my goodness. (At the moment my faves are Too Much, No Drug Like Me and Want You in My Room, fyi.)

I hope you’re all doing well! 🙂 I’m sending joy and good vibes your way.

2 thoughts on “Monthly Mixtape #14: Ocean

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