Looking All the Way Down a Train


I’ve just started to take a new route on the Underground and, lo and behold: the train doesn’t have any interconnecting doors. There are different carriages, sure, but there aren’t any actual doors between them. This means that you can see right the way down the train, technically. Usually there are some people in the way, and it’s hard to stand inconspicuously in the middle of the carriage whilst your friends are sitting down on the empty seats.

You can’t really feel when the train turns on the Underground, but when there are no interconnecting doors you can see when the carriages before you turn. It can give you a headache if you look for too long, but otherwise it’s pretty awesome.

Have you ever been on a train like this one? I didn’t know they existed until a few weeks ago!

Traffic Jam

Would you like some traffic jam with your coast?
Goodness, no. I’ve come here to trade my honey for some skyscraper curd. Is this enough?
I’m afraid we’ve had some excellent offers for our skyscraper curd recently, and it’s all run out. Can I get you some trainline jelly instead?
Yes, I suppose that trainline jelly will do.
Jolly good. Trainline jelly it is.